Curriculum Statement

Mullion Primary School

Developing a Love of Learning


Curriculum Intent


In order to achieve our mission statement and key aims, the school will:

  • be clear about the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to achieve.
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • plan to at least meet and exceed the requirements of the National Curriculum. 
  • ensure that end points are identified so that we know the knowledge and skills our Year 6 pupils need
  • have a long-term plan ensure that ensures the school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and cross-curricular links are made where appropriate to deepen understanding and drive purpose
  • ensure the curriculum offer reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills from the beginning
  • ensure there is a high academic ambition for all pupils which is inclusive of pupils with special educational needs and differences as well as disadvantaged pupils


Curriculum Implementation

  • Teachers have expert knowledge in the subjects that they teach in order for them to enable pupils to understand key concepts and encourage discussion.
  • Teachers understand the curriculum scope and plan carefully sequenced lessons to ensure pupils can meet milestones and build on prior learning.
  • Teachers check pupils understanding effectively within lessons and use this to adapt and meet the needs of all learners within a sequence.
  • Teachers ensure that pupils embed key concepts in their long-term memory and apply them fluently.
  • The subject curriculums are designed to develop progressively and delivered in a way that allows pupils to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory. It is sequenced through knowledge categories so that new knowledge and skills can build on what has been taught before.
  • Subject leaders are confident in leading, developing and monitoring their subjects. They model their expectations and support teachers to raise standards. Each subject leader has developed a subject-specific statement of intent, implementation and impact.


Curriculum Impact

  • A well-constructed and well-taught curriculum leads to pupils learning more, being given opportunities to build on prior learning and so are supported to achieve good outcomes. This creates a desire to learn more and supports the development of a love of learning and curiosity.
  • Pupils are making more progress in that they know more, remember more and are able to do more by applying their knowledge and skills. Teachers carefully consider learning sequences to make sure that they foster a love of learning and curiosity in our pupils.
  • Every child is a reader – our reading-rich curriculum effectively enhances learning and engages all pupils. They are able to read, at least, at an age-appropriate level and have developed reading fluency. This results in pupils being able to access the full curriculum and removes barriers to learning.
  • Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
  • Being good citizens is promoted as part of our culture and our determination to grow our pupil’s cultural capital. Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is fostered through a broad and balanced curriculum with personal growth at the root. Our pupils thrive on a diet of connection with the world around them and grow through their community. The school’s core values are underpinned throughout the curriculum and pupils embrace these as learning behaviours for success. Our School Council and cultural awareness days demonstrate our British values and involved the whole school community and beyond. By the end of Year 6, our pupils are ready for the next stage in their journey and continue to thrive.
  • Subject leaders ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is taught effectively through monitoring and developing staff through staff development sessions. Subject leaders are an integral part of the school leadership and management and promote a culture of growth.