At Mullion Primary our aim is to enable the acquisition of a systematic, scientific approach to learning, developing useful knowledge, skills and attitudes about the world in which we live, science experience is presented to the children in a practical, relevant context and whenever possible outdoors in our local environment. Systematic inquiry, analysis of problems, formation of ideas, their testing and modification are encouraged through whole class, group or individual investigations and project work, designed to arouse the children's natural curiosity.
In our rapidly changing world, Science is a vital part of our curriculum at Mullion Primary. Our intent is for children to be excited about Science, curious about the phenomena and events in the world around them, and to never stop asking questions. Through systematic, high-quality teaching, enquiry based learning, and real-life experiences in our coastal setting, it is our intent for all children: To harbour a curiosity about the world around them, and have opportunities to explore it. To learn through Working Scientifically, by thinking and learning like real scientists. To learn by exploration and investigation. To have a secure knowledge of age appropriate scientific concepts. To learn both independently and in cooperation with others. To relate scientific learning to relevant and real-life situations. To use scientific language and vocabulary confidently. To encourage critical and creative thinking, perseverance and a sense of achievement
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