Our PSHE and RHSE curriculums teach children the importance of being good citizens by celebrating differences, valuing individuality and promoting tools for mental health which enable pupils to develop a strong sense of community and also prepares them for life outside of Cornwall. The curriculum design also promotes a love for learning and being curious by engaging and developing enquiring minds with opportunities to apply prior learning and deepen understanding through hands-on experiences and connection with the environment and wider-world around them. Our PSHE and RHSE curriculum teaches children learning behaviours for success and has high expectations of engagement, supporting children to succeed by developing Mullion Primary School’s core values of Curiosity, Respect, Determination, Resilience, Creativity and Kindness. Our curriculum also promotes the importance that every child is a reader by encouraging our reading-rich curriculum through purposeful and carefully chosen texts which enhances learning in PSHE and RHSE, supports the development of communication skills through discussion.